You could tell that fall was on its way by the layer of frost that was on the roof of the car barn. Luckily it was not a hard frost and it didn’t seem to hurt the garden at all.
I was up by 6:45am and checked on the chickens. I also thought I should check on the tomatoes, since I hadn’t really paid them any attentions for a week or two. They were fine and the branches are loaded with green tomatoes. Last year I was pulling bags of tomatoes off the vine by the second week in July. This year I think I will be lucky to get any vine ripened tomatoes and will probably have to pick the green ones and put them in brown paper bag in the garage to ripen.
4 new trim rings came in the mail, I only need three,
but have for a spare. |
Work was good and very busy, which made the day go fast. I came home for lunch at 2pm and I had a package at the front door. I knew it was the trim rings for the trailer, so it was exciting to see how they would look on the wheels. I opened the box and there were 4 shiny new trim rings. They only came in sets of 4, but I figured I would have one extra incase one got damage or lost. I took one ring out of the plastic and took a good look at it, it looked really good. I walked it out to the trailer and stuck it on the wheel. It fit perfectly and was very snug; it wasn’t going anywhere, unless someone took it off. Now I just need to find the 11” center caps.
4 eggs in one day, its a new record! |
After my excitement with the wheels, I decided I needed to let the chickens out and check on their feed. They did their little happy strut and when I opened the door, they raced passed me to freedom. I filled their feeder dish and tossed some cracked corn on the grown. I really don’t have to worry about these birds starving, there is so much feed on the ground they could eat for weeks. I took a peak at the nesting box and there was something new, 4 eggs all in the same box. The girls had been really busy today. There was a white egg, two pink and one egg that was almost orange, which I am guessing is from the Buff Orpingtion. How cool was that, 4 eggs in one day.
The rest of the day went by very quickly, but we had a Business After Hours for work, that started at 4:30pm, so I probably wasn’t going to get home anytime before 6pm.
The Buff Orpington saying good night just before she
tuned in for the night. |
I was home by 5:55pm and my first goal was to mow the lawn. It takes me about an hour and I got to it right away. I always do a little weed pulling before I mow. I toss the weeds onto the lawn and then just mow them up. Once the lawn was taken care of I was able to clean up the rest of the trailer cleaning items that I had strewn around and I even spent a few minutes polishing on the trailer. Doug stopped by to pick up Amy’s two kayaks and he wanted to see how the polish worked. The more I tried it, the more we were both impressed. When I get back from my trip to OKC, it will be fun to go to town on the trailer and really make it shine.
I spent the rest of the evening cleaning up the house for company and packing. It was the end of the day, the end of the month and life was good.
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