Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 61, Friday!

We have been blessed with spectacular weather all week and today was exceptionally beautiful.  I got to work at 8am and I already had a message on my phone.  It was from someone I honestly think is one of the Top 10 people on the planet.  His sense of humor and creative talents are match second to none.  My entire office lights up when he comes in to see us and it was a great way to start the day no matter what he had to say.

His message to me was that he had spotted a vintage "canned  ham" trailer that he thought I needed to look at.  He said it belongs back on the road and perhaps I was the one it needed to help it get there.  I took note of the street it was on and I planned to drive by on my way home from work.

At noon I had time to run  home to let the chickens out and as I pulled out of the parking lot I ran into Doug, not litterly, but he was on the sidewalk.  He had just walked from his new house, several miles away to downtown.  He had the horrible miss-fortune of borrowing his Sister-in-laws truck and hitting a large bird that broke the mirror off and then hitting a deer, causing the truck to be out of commission for 10 days while it gets repaired.  I had offered to let him use my truck to pull his trailer to the house, as long as he promised not to hit anything.  He road with me back to my house on my lunch break and would take my truck for the rest of the day.

I let my chickens out and gathered two eggs.  I figured the chickens needed some extra time out in the yard and would be back at 5pm to keep an eye on them.  I ate lunch, tossed the chickens some more freezer bread and went back to work.  This time I drove I drove the Packard.

A 1950's Shasta Trailer.  I'm not sure what year it is...?
At 5pm I fired up the old Packard and went to take a look at the old canned ham that my friend, Lee, had told me about.  It wasn't hard to find and sure enough there was what I guessed to be a late 50's Shasta, sitting sadly amongst a collection of various parts and old equipment.  Several of the windows  have been broken out and the lower storage door was off and laying on the ground.  The inside was a mess, but I could see that the appliances stove, oven and refrigerator, were still all there.  The gas lamp was above the table and of the cabinets were still there.  This could be a really neat looking trailer if it was brought back to life.  I snapped a few pictures and went  home.

A Shasta trailer from what I think is the mid to late 1950's
I returned home around 5:30pm and the chickens were happy in the yard.  I went out to check for eggs and there were 2 more.  Four was pretty good for the day and one of them was white, so the Cornish hen had laid an egg finally after 4 days of nothing.

Around 6:30pm Doug and Amy came by, so Doug could drop my truck off and they wanted me to go to dinner.  I'm not one to say no to food and besides I was just going to mow the lawn and food sounded better.

There was no time for the trailer today, but tomorrow is the weekend and I hope to do a lot more work.  Tonight it was going to be reading, laundry and bed.  

It sounded like a great Friday night to me.

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