Chickens running wild |
I had another awesome night sleep and again woke up feeling great - I love that feeling. Again, this was the perfect time to get a jump start on my reading, so I read 6 pages.
I stepped outside to feed Harris the cat on the back deck and I was shocked how warm it was. It rained hard during the night and the temperature was a lot warmer compared to yesterday at the same time. I figured the chickens would like to start their day early too, so I let them out and there was already one egg waiting for me.
This is an example of Graham Paige
Model 108 "Sharknose" |
Today after church my chores would include blowing out the sprinkler system and raking up leaves in the front yard. I also wanted to drive to Prineville to see a 1940 Graham Paige Sharknose that a friend of mine has been restoring for the owner. There is a small possibility that the car might be for sale and I wanted to show it to my father. He had never heard of one, so he was interested in seeing it.
My father and I drove to Prineville around 1pm and I showed him the car. It is maroon and is 95% complete with it's restoration. The car is finished to perfection, but still needs some more $$$ to be totally finished. It's my understanding that the owner is done putting money into the car and my friend is just finishing it up, so he can give it back to her. It's definitely an unusual car.
Blowing out the sprinkler system, zone 1, with 10 to go. |
When I got home it was time to blow out the sprinkler system. It's amazing that I haven't done this yearly chore already, but the relitively mild temperatures have let me keep the system on. However, winter is coming and it is time to blow the water out of the lines, so the pipes don't freeze and break during the long cold winter ahead. The process is very easy and all I have to do is, shut the water off, hook up the compressor to the water lines and then run the system threw a two minute test for each zone. In total there are 11 zones. I run the test twice and it has kept my system from freezing for over 10 years.
Tonight it is dinner at my brother's house with my Dad and then home to read, watch TV and go to bed. This is going to be a busy week as we start decorating the city for holidays.
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