This was an exciting day, the sun was shining and we adventures to the Cliffs of Moher.
Ferry across the river Shannon |
Our travels took us past dozens of ruined castles, homes and Abby's. We took the ferry across the river Shannon, which was a bit exciting as the winds had began to blow with gale force. The river was covered with white caps and the waves buffeted the boat sending sprays of see water over the cars and ferry. When got to the other side they were preparing to add more life boats to the ferry!
Cliffs of Moher |
We arrives at the Cliffs of Moher and this would have been exciting on a normal day, but today the winds were approaching 60 to 70 mph. Trying to climb up the hill was a challenge even for my 215 lbs. Once at the top I had to hold onto my hat, but it blew off anyway and over the wall. There was no way I was going over the wall to get it - it was far too windy and I could be blown over the 1,000 foot cliff. The view was incredible and a true highlight of the trip. It was breathtaking and O'Brians tower just your mind a wondering of what life must have been like hundreds of years ago.
Moy House |
Tonight we are staying at the Moy House, a spectacular renovated palatial 200 year old home that sits right on the Atlantic. It's an amazing property and once again began to explore climbing up in the tower and walking the beach.
For dinner our driver picked us up at 8:30pm to take us into a small town to a locals Pub where his friends were going to be playing. We got there about 9pm and found a table and within minutes the place was packed, we had got there just in time. We shared our our table with two German couples who had wondered in and the place was packed. I had to have a pint of Guinness to make the experience perfect. Our driver even tried to hook me up with a beautiful girl named Francesca from North of Rome who was on holiday with her friend.
It was a great day and it was now 11pm and time to head back to the Moy House. There was still light in the night sky but it would be dark soon and it was time for bed.
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