For some crazy reason I was wide awake at 5 am. I got up and fed the cats and went back to bed and surfed the internet with my phone, looking for cars. I would really like to find something fitting to pull the Traveleze. After about 30 minutes of surfing I went back to bed.
I spent the morning cleaning up my office and putting away the empty boxes, gift wrap and bows. Next was the kitchen and then my closet. It was nice to get everything cleaned up. At around noon I fired up the Packard and went over to Tracy's house to exchange gifts. She gave strict instructions not to open my gifts until Christmas morning, so said she couldn't either.
After Tracy it was over to my neighbor's and good friend's Jon and Beccy to drop off a little something for them. It was a beautiful day and the driving the Packard was so much fun. I was really born in the era. I love wearing my old coat, driving cap and listing to 40's music.
Christmas Eve dinner is at my folks house at around 6 pm. I headed over with the Packard around 4:40 pm, fully loaded with all the gifts that I had purchased for my family. On the way over the headlights in the Packard started acting up, so I unloaded the gifts and went back home to exchange cars.
The starting of the candle lighting. |
Dinner was awesome, with the full traditional turkey dinner. My mother makes a killer stuffing and my eyes glazed over with delight and I heaped my plate full.
Shortly after dinner I jumped in the car and headed off to church. The music was amazing, the message of the true meaning of Christmas filled my spirit. The singing of Silent Night by candle light was so powerful I felt truly blessed.
I have nearly memorized this passage from |
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| watching Charlie Brown |
After Church I headed back to my folks, ate a cookie and then headed home. Tomorrow is Christmas!