Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 566, Presidents Day

Scrappy going to the Vet
It was so nice to have the extra day off and I had planed to sleep in with the alarm turned off, knowing that I could sleep as long as I wanted.  Unfortunately one of my friends wasn't aware I had the day off and texted me at 7am, jarring me out of a sound sleep.

I had a huge list of things to get done including taking my 16 year old cat to the Vet to see if we can do anything for his weight loss.  $214 later we had taken some blood for tests and I was out the door.  This once huge 20 lbs cat is now 7 lbs.  I'll know more tomorrow after the test results are back, but at 16, I'm not expecting much in terms of good news.

Mattress in place
I took the cat home and then headed to the Post Office to mail my tax information to the accountant.  At this point I have done all I can do and hopefully he can figure out the rest from here.  The next stop was The Mattress Factory in Bend to pick up the mattress for the Traveleze.  I was anxious to see it and see if it fits.

At the store the mattress looked great and they quickly loaded it in my truck.  It was a short distance to Flyte Camp and the Traveleze and I was a little worried about it fitting into the the tight space.  I cleaned out a few items in the trailer and then walked the mattress on my back from the truck to the trailer.  It took a little maneuvering, but it fit in and it was perfect.

Traveleze coming a long, needing polishing, wheels and tires.
I spent the rest of the afternoon, cleaning out the garage and trying to put resemblance of order back in place.  After several hours I actually felt pretty good about the appearance of the garage but I still way too much "stuff" and I need to clean out every cabinet and drawer and get rid of most of it.  With a lot of the garage picked up I was actually able to vacuum the carpet in the garage that boarders the cars.  I went inside for dinner and was please with my accomplishments for the day.

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