Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 604, Sad day for the chickens.

Today was stormy with strong winds and rain.  This is the part of winter/spring that really starts to get on my nerves and I long for beautiful summer days.

An awesome set of trailer towels
At noon, I came for lunch and I went to check on my chickens.  One of the hens was having breathing problems and I wanted to give her more antibiotics.  When I got to the pen I only saw three hens and thought that's not good.  When I opened the door to the big coop I found the Rhoda Island Red had died.  I really wasn't surprised, she didn't sound good the night before and the medication didn't seem to be helping.  I'm now down to 3 chickens out of the original 14. It was a sad day and I tossed her lifeless body in the trash can.  Oh well such is life on a farm.

I was very happy to find in my mailbox another one of my purchases from eBay, it was a set of dish towels.  I'm not one to get excited about towels, but these are really cool!  They are vintage pictures of canned ham trailers, an old car, a fisherman (with the Seattle area map, including Tukwila where the Packard came from) and one of those old metal chairs.  I think they will be  awesome in the trailer.


  1. I love your towels. How did you find them ? Are you selling any of them ?

    1. Sorry Sandy, I didn't see your comment. I found the towels on eBay. I just looked under vintage towels, trailer.
