Snapped 30' Juniper |
What a difference a day makes. I woke up around 7:30am and the sun was shining, the skys were blue and there was no wind.
New shed under construction blown off its pads. |
It was a perfect morning for run, so I put on my shoes and headed for my short 2 mile loop. As I ran down my driveway which is one tenth of mile I noticed that the tree across the street at the gate to my parents property was down. The wind had snapped it off at the trunk. It once had been about a 30 foot Juniper, but now it was kindling. Then I looked at the roof the shed my brother is building on the property and noticed that about a 5 foot section was blown. Then I realized that the entire structure had been blown off its footings about 2 feet. I figured that there must have been one heck of a wind or funnel cloud that struck the area. The she is 12' x 16', made of 2x4 construction and must weigh 1,500 to 2,000 pounds.
I made several phone calls to my father, and then brother and then went on my run. By the time I had finished my run 20 minutes later my brother and sister in law there looking at the shed. It can be fixed and I guess we are lucky that it didn't blow completely over.
Plum trees starting to bud, February 13, 2011. |
I had just enough time to run down my driveway and take a quick shower and head off to church. I figured since the sun was shinning, I would take the Caddi. Nothing says "old man going to church" than a big Cadillac, even if I am only 45. Church was great as usual, although the hymns were not my favorite, to many syllables crammed into to few of words, but it was still enjoyable.
Harris the cat and the chickens enjoying the evening before turning in. |
Back home I let the chickens out to enjoy the day and I started puttering in the yard, cleaning up wind debris and dozens of tumble weeds that had blown in. I also, got the hose and lawn sprinkler out and I ran the sprinkler all day, in an effort to put some water into the dry yard. I was shocked to see that the plum trees were starting to bud out. I guess spring really is on it's way.
At about 5pm I ran down to my office to put candy on all my co-workers desks. It has been a tradition over the last 12 years that I cover their desk with candy of all kinds, for both Valentines Day and Easter. It will be a nice way to start the day and a new week.
It was nice to have a lazy evening and watch some TV.
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