Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 198 Still snowing

A snowy drivewa
Around 12:20am the power came back on.  I got up and turned off the bathroom light and the light in the closet.  I went out and got the milk jug off the back deck and put it back in the refrigerator (I had figured outside was colder than in the refrigerator so I had put the milk on the deck).  I tested the faucet and there was water.  I was  happy, knowing that the water heater would have plenty of time to heat the water by the time I need a shower in the morning.

I woke up around 6:30am and it was snowing lightly.  It hadn't snowed that much during the night and I think the temperatures were actually above freezing most of the night. 

To get my truck out of the garage, I had to re-latch the garage door opener and then all was back to normal.  I left for work a little bit early just in case I encountered more traffic delays, but as it turned out I made it to work with no problems.

After work I had a reception to go to with the Port of Portland in Bend.  It was up on Awbrey Butte and the road up the hill was very icy.  The weather had started to snow again and the temperature was dropping well below freezing.  By the time I got home it was snowing a little and it was 24 degrees.

I went out to check on the chickens and it started to snowing  heavily.  I brought the usual layer feed and cracked corn and fresh water to top off the feeder and water containers.  Chickens are actually very smart and extremely curious birds.  I gave them some attention and then collected their 4 eggs and went back inside.

It was nice to have power and to be able to flip on a switch and have light on demand.  I was in the mood for a hot meal and then turn in early. 

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