Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 328, Sunday

It was a beautiful morning, not much going on and the cats were dead to the world on the foot of the bed. The only thing on the agenda was going to church and picking up some chicken feed at the store on the way home.

After months of sitting in the garage I decided it was time to take the old Cadillac out for a spin and take it to church.  Nothing says "old man church car", than a big Cadillac.  The Cadi fired right up and today I was supposed to provide 4 dozen cookies for the after church fellowship hall gathering.  I ran to the store and bought my cookies and made it to church as the choir started singing.

After church I picked up the feed and went home to spend the day in the garden pulling weeds and just enjoying the day.

1931 Peerless
I let the chickens out and I'm starting to wonder what is up with them.  I've only been getting between 2 and 3 eggs a day. They all seem healthy except for the one that won't leave the nest unless I pick her up and take her out in the yard.

I started playing with my phone camera and miniature cars trying to see if I could make them look full size.  I was surprised how well the pictures turned out.  If I didn't know better I would swear the cars were sitting in my driveway.

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