Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 366, Playing hooky

Wednesday started off as another typical Wednesday and around 9am, Tracy emailed and wanted to know if I wanted to play hooky and go kayaking.  I quickly checked my calendar and with more than 390 hours of vacation on the books I said sure.  We planed on leaving work at noon and taking the afternoon off.  It was a beautiful day and I couldn't think of a better way to spend the afternoon.

Tracy got to my house about 12:30, we loaded the truck with the two kayaks and I needed to drop the Rolls back off at the mechanics to have the dash lights worked on.  After dropping the car off we needed to get our National Forest parking permit and I was sure we could get that at Dick's Sporting good in Bend, which we couldn't.  We then had to go to REI in the Old Mill District and it was now 1:40pm, which meant we would get to the lake at just after 2pm.
South Sister from Sparks Lake

We went to Sparks Lake again and the lake was beautiful, with very few people.  This time we decided to explore the north end of the lake, but we quickly learned that's was were all the gnats were hanging out, so we paddled back to south end.  After about two and half hours of paddling we decided we had enough and headed in.  With the truck loaded we drove down the long gravel road and I had to stop and take a picture of a 50's Shasta trailer camping on the lakes edge.  It was a great looking trailer and it was in a perfect setting.

A vintage Shasta Trailer, sans wings.
Seeing the Shasta got me thinking about my trailer and I asked Tracy if it would be okay if we stopped off to see my trailer, which said sure.   It was now almost 6pm and the guys were still there working on trailers.  There were even more trailers than before and the Shasta trailer they had been working on was re-skinned and sitting outside in primer.  They were figuring another week or so, and then they should be getting to mine, so I figure at least another 2 weeks.  I am really getting excited, but it's pretty clear that it will be October before I get my trailer.

Back home I unloaded the boats and spent the rest of the evening pulling weeds and working in the yard.  The chickens were out except for two.  It seems I now have 2 broody hens and they both want to hatch the three remaining hatching eggs.  Sometime next week the three eggs should hatch if they are going to at all.

It was another great day.

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