Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 391, Church and chores

I had another great night sleep and I didn't have anything pressing to get up for so I laid in bed until 8am.  I was so content to just lay there and soak up the morning.  Even my two cats had no intention to get up and just laid there.

I finally got up and started cleaning up the kitchen and tossed in a load of laundry.  Church is at 11am and I figured I would take the Packard and then wash it when I go home.  I stopped and picked up my buddy Doug on the way and he had a belated birthday gift for me.  It was a incubator for chickens.  I guess I'm going to have to get serious about finding some hatching eggs now.  What a cool, unique gift.

Sunset on Sunday, August 28, 2011
After church I came home and it was starting to get hot, but even worse was the smoke from the forest fires was really setting in.  My sprinkler system was running so figured I should hold off on washing the car until the sprinklers were off.  I decided I would paint the window frames and shutters around the car barn and stain the potting shed in the garden instead.  I also realized I needed to do some major pruning on the apple tree in front of the potting shed and spent nearly an hour pruning trees.

Around 7pm I started washing the Packard and then the Mercedes and finally the Rolls.  The sun was setting as I started on the Rolls and the clouds were beautiful.  It was like a picture from the old west movie and it was absolutely breath taking.

I finished up with the car around 9pm, I then cleaned up the garage and went and closed the chickens up for the night. 

It was another great day.

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