It's a beautiful day, but its not the typical hot August that I'm used to. It should be in the high 90's and maybe even 100, but today is only in the low 80's. I guess I shouldn't complain, but I do like to experience the high 90's and 100 at least once in the year, that way I know I have had summer.
1950 Oldsmobile 88 |
I was at work and got a text from friends of mine who are Hot August Nights in Reno, NV. Hot August is huge car show and thousands of cars show from around the country to show off and to hopefully find a buyer. I received several pictures of fantastic looking cars that would look great pulling the Traveleze. One in particular is a 1950 Oldsmobile 88 coupe. It looks flawless and comes with a steep price tag of $29,900. When you stop and think of what it cost to restore a car the price really isn't that bad. Paint will run you over $10k if done right, chrome is easily $6k to $8k, interior is about $6k, engine rebuild is about $4k and then you need to buy the car to begin with. It is so much easier to just buy a car done and not have to worry about all the restoration details.
After work I stopped off at Fred Meyer and picked up a clay pot and two rolls of wire, so I could make a barbed wire cactus for an auction benefiting Rim Rock Adolescent Treatment Services. First I needed to take a quick break and just rest my back on the couch. The cactus take 11 pieces of 11' long barbed wire and a small block of wood with wholes drilled in a circle, a hot glue gun and two rolls of fine wire. After about 3 hours I was finished and it was 9:45pm. I was tired and ready to go inside. I needed to find two boxes of chili pepper lights for the cactus but I could only find one, so it will have to do.
I was tired and ready for bed.
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