It was your average Monday, with the exception of it was time for my routine visit to the dentist for a cleaning. It seems like I was just there here, but it was actually 6 months ago. Luckily, I have great teeth and I take good care of them, so the visits are relatively quick and pain free.
Following the dentist I had to drive to Bend to drop off some flyers for an upcoming event that we are sponsoring and turn around and head back to Redmond. My morning was shot, and I worked through my lunch again! My lunch consisted of some leftover trail mix from our golf tournament, which I ate at my desk.
Harvesting 40 acres of red wheat |
After work I went to the feed store to buy some cracked corn for the chickens and I was starving, so I stopped off at Sonic for a burger. When I got home they were harvesting the red wheat on my parents 40 acres. On my side of the street my neighbor Steve was turning the fresh cut hay on his and my property. I went in and changed cloths and went to move the wheel lines, so he didn't have to stop the tractor and could keep going.
It was great to see the combine cutting and processing the wheat and I had flash backs to the family farm in Iowa when my Uncles would be harvesting corn and soy beans. There is something very humble about growing and harvesting something. It was a slice of Americana right in my front yard.
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