Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 692, Another Day

I was still receiving emails from friends and acquaintances, regarding the article in the Oregonian and I was still excited about the great weekend.  The Traveleze more than met my expectations and I'm looking forward to many more adventures and good times with friends.  I do however need to set some rules, one my friends can come with me, but I get to sleep in the bed!

On the home front, the chickens are doing well, but I need to buy about 10 more so I can at least get a dozen eggs every two days.   As for the garden it is doing well and the corn is on track for being "knee high by the 4th of the July".  Even the pumpkins are doing well and everything could use a good dose of fertilizer.

It was a great day, but slightly cooler and tonight the temperature is expected to drop to 36, which means frost with the wind chill.  I covered the marigolds and the tomatoes and called it good.  Everything else is going to have to endure and either survive or die, I'm just not going to cover everything up again.

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