With the weekend at hand, I pulled the trailer out of the shop and into the front driveway. I had invited Christian and his 11 year old daughter to come see the trailer and perhaps camp out in it if she thought it was "cool". They are both invited to the big vintage trailer rally next weekend, but she isn't sure, not knowing what to expect, so Christian and I thought this might be a good way to introduce her to the trailer and the idea of the camp out. Next weekend, Tracy, myself and hopefully Christian and his daughter will come along. That will be 4 people in a 14' trailer, so I have the tent for two of us to sleep in.
The Traveleze set up |
With the trailer fully set up and plugged in, Christian and his daughter returned after having, spent the afternoon and evening enjoying the 53 Packard. They trailer met approval, but even more exciting were the horses in the back pasture. Christian's daughter is a huge horse fan and she spent quite a bit time feeding them hand picked grass and giving them a little attention.
We manage to play a few hands of Farkle and then they were ready to camp out in the trailer. We converted the dinette into a bed and rolled out the sleeping bag and they were set. I went back into the house and was ready to crash. Nothing like clean sheets on Friday night.
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