Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 334, Time to paint the house.

I woke up at 7:45am and decided that today would be a great day to paint the house.  I got up on shorts and a t-shirt and went to the paint store to buy 5 gallons of the same color of paint on the house, but this time I was going to use a satin instead of flat.

Tracy has said she would come and for a bit, and she had made plans to go a see a friend.  We started on the hot side of the house while it was still cool and we quickly worked our way into the shade of the front of the house.  We painted for several hours and Tracy decided she would call  her friend Sue and visit  her tomorrow and continue to stay and help me paint.  I was happy to have the company and Tracy was big help with painting.
The life of a cat during the summer.

By 2:15pm it was obvious that I would need more paint and I ordered another 5 gallons.  The paint store closes at 3pm, so we jumped in the car to go get the paint.  With the paint loaded in the trunk we ran to Sonic's where I got a burger, plain with no pickle and onion, and Tracy had a diet cherry lime-aid.

Back at the house we continued painting and got all the way around the back of the house and ended with with just two walls needing to be painted tomorrow.  Tracy went home around 7:30pm and I continued painting until 9pm.  By the time I got everything cleaned up it was 10:15pm.  I was pooped and ready for a long hot shower.

Tomorrow I will finish the painting the walls and then start painting the windows and trim.  Depending on how long it takes me I might even start painting the car-barn.

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