Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 344, One busy day.

With forecast for rain and a busy day ahead of me, I kind of had to drag my butt out of bed.  The RV Rally is in town, it's a Board meeting day, I have a Dr. appointment at 2:15 and a workout in the afternoon.

The one thing about a full day is there is no time to think and before you know it is over.  I manned the information table at the Rally in the morning where an estimated 1000 coaches were expected to arrive and then ran back to the office at noon for the Board meeting.  The Board meeting was packed and lasted an hour.  My Dr. appoint was pretty routine with my usual "Stay out of the sun" lecture, which is not going to happen.  My workout was fine and I stopped off at the Central Oregon Visitor Association to pick up their brochure for the rally.  I dropped off the brochures around 6pm, and finally went to get gas in my truck which had been on empty for two days.  It took 25.5's a 25 gallon tank!  From there it was over to Tracy's to pick up a gallon of milk that she had bought for house guests that didn't get consumed and then home.

Moon on July 12, 2011, 9pm.
The stormy forecast did lead to a few sprinkles and cooler temperatures but the evening turned out fine.  I spent the evening hours pruning a tree, pulling weeds and cleaning up the yard.  Around 9pm the moon came up and it was near full.  It was beautiful and a perfect way to end the day.

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