Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 26, More fun with the Trailer

The morning started off a bit cool with frost again, and this time it actually damaged some of the leaves on the pumpkins. I didn’t think it was going to get that cold last night, or I might have tried to cover some of the plants. Anyhow, it was warming up and I had a full day of cleaning ahead of me. With clear skies it should be a perfect day.

I had two old bananas that I wanted to feed to the chickens before I let them out for the day.  They pretty much devoured the banans and soon they were out running all around the yard, happy as can be.

I spent most of the day souring, buffing and polishing on the trailer. The left side looks pretty good and I worked my way around to the rear of the trailer, starting up high on the roof and working down around the tail lights.

Chickens on the deck
Stopping for lunch, I decided it was time for an egg check and sure enough there was one light brown egg. I made a sandwich and sat on the steps of the back deck. The chickens seemed very interested in what I was eating, so they came up for a look. I tossed them some grapes and they were very pleased. I finished my sandwich and I heard a car door over by the trailer, so I walked around to see who it was. My parents had stopped by. My mom drove the car while my father had gotten out and walked my trash can all the way back from the street (It was garbage day).

They had brought me the newspaper which had an article about chickens they thought I would enjoy reading and they wanted to see the trailer. They were impressed with the progress, and my father thinks I need to spend some time on the wheels and tires, I agree.

Aspen trees that are going to be removed.
I offered them to join me in the last piece of birthday cake, and my father said sure, and my mom said she would just have a bite of his. With cake in hand, we sat on the back deck under the shade of the aspen trees, the same aspen trees which I am going to have removed next week. They are a beautiful tree, but very high maintenance and where planted way to close to the house. The sucker roots send shoots out, up to 70’ away. You can never keep up with pulling the shoots. They are everywhere, including under the deck and in the crawl space under the house.

Just down the road is a tree farm and I asked my parents if they would want to go with me to pick out a few replacement trees and they said sure.  We finished up the cake and got in my truck and we were on our way.  Just out of the driveway, Doug came driving up, so I asked if wanted to come along and he said sure. We dropped his truck off at the house and we all headed off to the tree farm.

The trees were very nice and we immediately found some Autumn Blaze Maples that where 12 to 14’ tall and on sale. We walked around to make sure we were not missing anything and decided that they were the ones I needed, so I bought 5. I paid for them and since I lived so close, there wasn’t going to be a delivery fee and he would help place them; all I need to do is call when I want them.

Side looking pretty good.
With trees bought it was back home for more work on the trailer. My parents didn’t stick around to help, but wished me well and drove off. Doug stayed and helped work on the rear of the trailer. We had to break out the paint stripper, in order to take off more paint on the lower end below the tail lights. After a few hours we had it looking pretty amazing.

Doug was tired and went home and I buffed for a little longer trying to get the back end as shiny as possible before I called it a night.

Back end all cleaned up and looking much better.
It was around 6:45pm and I went to check on the chickens and this time there were two eggs, including a white one. The girls had been productive today.

I finished cleaning up around the trailer and took a few more pictures. It really had been a productive day. I just have the right side of the trailer and the roof to work on next and then the preliminary outside cleaning is pretty much done. Oh, I still have the front window to clean too. That should be interesting.

Anyway, It was a great day.

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