Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 732, Sunday

Sunday was another perfect summer morning and I slept much better.  My sister-in-law, however woke me up at 6:48 am with a text saying I should join them at the Buckaroo Breakfast at the fair.  She and my nephew were up early helping break eggs and serving breakfast to the hundreds of people who had nothing better to do than get up.  I have far to sensitive of a stomach to eat early and I love my sleep far more than standing in line to eat.

It was the usual morning, lazy cats sleeping on the bed, the deer out in the yard, birds singing and the sun shining on the snow capped mountains.  I couldn't help but have a smile on my face.  It was the usual Sunday with Church at 11 and lunch with Doug afterwards.  I was able to putter in the yard all afternoon.  The temperatures have been in the mid 90's all week and I finally feel like summer is here in full swing.

Summer storm in Central Oregon, August 4, 2012
As supper time rolled around I was invited over to my folks for another barbecue.  Life just doesn't get any better a barbecue on a summer night.  Have I mentioned I love my parents, they are quit possibly to the most amazing people on the plant.  Okay, I might be a little bias.

With the high heat, it is pretty common to have a thunder storm roll through to cool down the temperature.  Sure enough as predicted a storm started moving in.  It was a full on display of Mother Natures awesome ability to put on a light show.   As the stormed rolled through the temperature dropped 10 degrees, but with all the lightening, there were sure to be several forest fires.

It had been another great weekend.

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