Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 354, Friday Night and Captian America

Friday is beautiful no matter what and today the weather was turning out awesome and it was going to be in the high 80's.  I am so ready for some summer sun and some heat.  It's hard to believe that most of the country is enduring extreme heat, we have only had a few days in the 80's and 90's.

After work I ran home and mowed the lawn.  I got home about 5:30pm and by the time I jumped on the lawn mower it was 6pm.  I had just enough time mow and get cleaned up before needing to pick up Tracy to go see the  movie Captain America.  The movie starts at 7:40pm and I picked Tracy up at 7:20pm.  We knew were going to be a little late, but they always play about 20 minutes of previews, so we were not too concerned.  Since it was nice out I decided to take the Rolls, the car needs to be driven or literally will start to have problems.

We got a great parking spot and by the time we got the theater it was 8:05pm and the movie had just started, our timing was perfect.  I love the WWII era, so the move was right up my alley.  The movie was kind of a blind between 1940's and Buck Rogers.  Even at $10 per person Tracy and I both thought the movie was entertaining and we had great time.

We ended our evening by stopping of at WalMart to do a little shopping.  Now that's a great way to end a day and start your weekend.

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