Another work week and the last week of July. It's hard to believe July is almost over and August is just around the corner.
Mysterious appearing chicken |
The work day seemed pretty normal and then I looked outside the window in our front lawn there was a ceramic chicken on the lawn. I started to laugh and wondered who's it was. After a few minutes it was still there, so I went outside to investigate. There were all kinds of people walking around, but there was no around the chicken and then I realized there were two chickens. I went back inside and my office was surprised there was another ceramic chicken in our yard. We thought for sure someone was playing a trick, especially since I have chickens. We had no idea who put them there and after an hour, with the chickens out in the yard, we decided to pick them up and bring them inside. I even called the Police Department to see if any merchants had reported wondering chickens, which they hadn't.
Tomorrow I plan on taking the day off and going kayaking with a friend, so I switched my workout date to today. My back was acting a little tight and while on our run it popped and felt much better. I really need to visit a chiropractor and have them give me an adjustment.
Following my workout I stopped off at Flyte Camp Vintage Trailer Restorations to see how the progress was coming on the 64 Shasta. The little Shasta was looking amazing. I am so impressed with the work that they do, that I can't help get excited for the Traveleze. I keep reminding myself that good things come to those who wait and I'm willing to wait for the amazing work that these guys do.
1953 Chevy 2 door Sport Coupe and Air Stream |
I made it home around 6:30pm and I had not let the chickens out all day, so opened the door and they flew the coop.Mamma hen is still sitting on the hatching eggs but the cracked egg broken and the egg was gone. Chickens eat eggs!
As the sun was setting I was thinking about vintage trailers and snapped a few pictures of a toy car and air stream that I had. With my cell phone camera I'm able to take some amazing pictures that look real.
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