Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 156, Another Tuesday

There is nothing like a great night sleep and then waking to the sound of a cat about to vomit.  The sound is very distinctive and once you are awake enough to figure out what is happening, it's too late.  So, at 4:30am this morning I was shampooing the carpet, and even though it was a very small amount of cat vomit, I still had to get all up and cleaned up.  I wasn't about to wait until morning.  This little experience did however remind me to giving the cats, hairball control medication. 

Back in bed by 5am I figured I could still get more sleep.  Two seconds after getting back in bed the roosters started crowing and I had to chuckle.  Here I am a single guy living in the peaceful country with a sick chicken in the kitchen, a cat hacking up a fur ball at the foot of my bed and roosters crowing hours before the sun comes up.  I think there needs to be some serious adjustments made in the new year!
Work was great noting to exciting to report there, but today, is my first workout of the new year and the gym has moved to a new location.  I was actually pretty pleased with myself for the holidays, as I didn't gain any weight.  It should be a great new year and I hope to keep up my training and staying healthy.
After the workout, I was anxious to get back home and check on the hen.  She had been alone all day and probably hadn't eaten or drank anything since I fed her this morning.  I also needed to check on the other chickens outside in the pen.  I realized that I had forgot to take out fresh water and I was concerned they might be out.  As I feared, they had flipped over their water container, so they were very thirsty.  Chickens need to have access to water at all times, so I hope they didn't get dehydrated.  They all looked fine, so I will keep my fingers crossed that they stay healthy and don't end up in my kitchen like the other one.
The tree is gone and the leather chair is back in it's place. 
The holidays are officially over.

Tonight was more of the Christmas clean up and by 9pm I had the house back together.  I'm hoping to turn in early tonight and praying for a better nights sleep.  At least one with no cat vomiting at 4:30am.

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