Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 287, Monday and feel like crud

I am definitely stuffed up and have lots of sinus pressure.  It's hard to tell if this is just allergies from the Juniper smoke, or if I actually caught a bug, either way it's not good.  I have a ton of work to get done in preparation for my Ireland trip this week.  It's kind of hard to think 12 days out and to make sure I've done all the little things that need to be dealt with while I'm gone.

My home will be in the good hands of my parents who will be staying there and taking care of the animals and yard. I just need to make sure I have the supplies that they will need while I'm gone.

At 5:30pm I was supposed to go workout with my Mom, but that got cancelled due to a scheduling conflict and a large class in the gym.  I can't say I was all that bummed as I really need the time to prepare for the trip, but I need to workout and will miss my trainer kicking my butt while I'm gone.

Pear tree finally in bloom.
When I got home I was able to start packing, but mostly I was exhausted and rested on the couch.  Tomorrow I need to go see my doctor and get some antibiotics for the trip just in case this sinus issue turns into something worse.

I did let the chickens out at noon and the pear tree by the coop is in full bloom.  The chicken's spent the day digging up bugs and laid 5 eggs.  Egg production is up, which makes me happy and have 3 dozen eggs in the refrigerator.

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