Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 60, Thursday and takeing a break form the trailer

It's Thursday and another awesome sunny day.  I got home around 5:45pm and I was just tired.  I decided that today I would just kick and relax and do nothing.  I wasn't in the mood to do much of anything other than put my feet up, so that's what I did.

What a great looking trailer
 I let the checkens out so they could enjoy some freedom and they only laid 3 eggs.  I am starting to wonder if there is something I need to be adding to their diet.  Perhaps they are not getting enough protien, or have they lost their enthusiasum for the layer feed. I wonder if I need to switch to something more flavorful.  

In the search to find something they might want to eat, I discovered about 9 bags of frozen bread, buns and rolls that I have no idea how long they had been in the freezer and I figured the chickens would eat it.  I tossed them a bag of hamburger buns and they thought that was fantastic.  I'll have plenty of bread for them over the next few days and my freeze looks a whole lot better too.

With my plan to relax firmly in place a took a good look at the trailer.  It's pretty dang cool.  It has great lines and someday it will look awesome behind a vintage automobile.  I spent the rest of the evening looking on Autotrader for a potential tow vehicles and I was in bed by 10:15pm. 

It was a great night.

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