Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 59, A little more polishing

Starting to polish
I had about an hour to work on the trailer today and my focus was going to be to polish the right side of the trailer.  There were still a lot of water spots and I want them gone.  Mother's polish says it protects and from what I have seen on the left side of the trailer it really does.  I have polished the left side weeks ago and even after the rainstorm we had a few weeks ago there are still no water spots or streaks.

More polishing
The first area that I polished was the compartment door on the bottom right side of the trailer.  With just a little polishing the mirror like quality started to show.  When I looked at the entire side of the trailer the thought of hand polishing seems quite daunting, but if I break it down into small sections it seems much more palatable.  It's like that old question of "how do you eat an elephant, one bite at a time".  My goal for the almost hour I had was, to just polish up the section from the back of the trailer to the small compartment door, or about a 3' x 3' section.  I'm not sure if it was a reasonable goal, or if it was just the maximum of my attention span for the monotonous task.

I was able to complete the area that I wanted to polish before it got dark and I was starting to get hungry.  My folks and I were going to go out to dinner and I had enough time to get cleaned up and ready to go.

Looking at the trailer I figured it would take about 4 hours for me to shine up the rest of the right side of the trailer.  I also need to spend time a lot of time polishing the front, roof, rear and the window moldings etc, so the work is endless.

A small dent/scratch and lots of water spots
As for the Chickens, they only laid two eggs and they got to spend the evening running around in the yard.  I haven't had a white egg in 3 days, so I'm starting to wonder about the Cornish hen.  I kept an eye on her and she didn't lay an egg in the bushes, so I'm not sure what is up with her.  If I don't find a white egg shortly we'll have to have a talk and I'll have to explain how this room and board situation works.  An egg a day or heads will stray.

The same area polished
I had a great dinner with my folks, I read my 12 pages and went to bed.  I was tired.

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