Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 600, Flying home to the Traveleze

Flying home
My brother and I were up bright and early to head to the airport.  At 5:30 am there was no traffic and we hit almost every light right and made it to the airport in 25 minutes.  This normally takes 40 minutes to an hour with traffic.

We breezed through security and had plenty of time to kill before boarding and heading to San Francisco.   The flight from Palm Springs to San Francisco was on hour and we soon boarded the next flight to Portland that would only take one hour and 20 minutes.  We arrived in Portland 30 minutes ahead of schedule and this allowed me to catch a much earlier flight home.  $25 later I had a new ticket and was saying good bye to my brother.  He was able to get home and text me as I was boarding my flight and I got home exactly one hour after he did.

Tracy picked me up at the airport and dropped me off at the front door.  I went side and changed cloths and tossed everything in the wash.  I couldn't wait to head out to the shop and see the Traveleze. 
Flannel sheets

The trailer was just awesome and there was plenty of room in the shop for it.  I spent a lot of time just looking at it and figuring our a few things I needed to buy.  I had several items in the house that I had accumulated for the trailer and brought it all out .  First thing I did was make the bed.  I had red flannel sheets and they looked pretty good.  With a custom mattress it is going to require some creative fitting to make sheets work and stay in place.

I created a substantial list of items I wanted for the trailer, so I fired up the Packard and headed to town.  An hour later after shopping at several stores I  headed back to home and the trailer.

Pendleton Glacier Park Blanket 
After 600 days, I finally have my perfectly restored 14" 1950, Traveleze, canned ham trailer.  I blew my budget but the end result is truly spectacular.  I am so happy with Flyte Camp and the work that Justin, Anna and their team did for me.

This is just the start of many fun adventures to come.

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