Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day 639, Thursday

It was going to be my usual Thursday, with several meetings throughout the day and then I hope to squeeze a workout in at the end of the day.  I was starting feel like I was a getting a bad cold or allergies and my voice was getting that deep gravely sound to it.

At 3:30 pm I was able to drop off some of our new Visitor Guides off in Bend at their Visitor Center and then head over for a workout.  I was really starting to feel congested but figured I could handled it.

The workout was a killer and with my head plugged up I struggled to get air.  I hate the feeling breathing in out, but not feeling like you can catch your breath.  I managed to survive the workout and my legs were screaming from the lunges and hamstring exercises.

Tonight is also our Sons of Norway Board Meeting and I had a feeling it was going to be a little contentious.  Tracy has had enough with the demands being placed on her as Treasurer and is going to resign.  I am in full support of her decision as the time requirement is ridiculous.  Tracy and I both were responsible for the refreshments and she brought a huge cheese and cracker platter and fruit bowl and I brought the two almond caked.    The meeting went fine and everyone agreed we need to simplify things and understood Tracy's need to resign.

It was nice day, but I was starting feel crummy.

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