Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 642, Sunday and feeling better

Free Happy Chickens.
After a miserable day on the couch I woke up feeling slightly better.  I still needed to carry a Kleenex box with me everywhere I went, but I had energy and was able to get a few chores done.

I skipped church not wanting to give anyone the crud.  I was supposed to be an usher, but I canceled the day before. It was nice to stay home and recover.  I had a growing mound of ironing that I needed to tackle and that was first on my list. 

As the day moved on I was really feeling better and I was able to work outside in the yard.  I let the chickens out and they super excited to be free.

It had been almost 11 days since I mowed the lawn last and it was in desperate need of mowing.  I had to run to town and buy buy gas for the mower, $17.89 later I was heading home to mow.  I can usual mow the entire lawn and only have to dump the bags twice.  I had to dump 5 times and I haven't even fertilized the lawn yet.  I hate to let the grass get that tall as it makes it harder to mow and then the lawn looks scalped once it mowed, but the lawn looked great and I was glad to have that job done. 

Today was so much better than Saturday and I actually felt like the weekend wasn't a total waist.  Around 5 pm my friend Christian got of work and called to see if could come dig through my spare sprinkler parts and look for a sprinkler head for Tracy.  Tracy mowed over one of her sprinkler heads and he had temporarily fixed while I was in Oklahoma.  I was sure I had what when he needed, so found the head and then went over to Tracy's to fix the sprinkler and a few other odd projects.

To cap the day off we all went to Sonic's, Tracy doesn't eat, so just our enjoyed our company.

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