Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 100, Wow 100 days with the Traveleze

It's hard to believe that I have owned the Traveleze for 100 days.  I have been able to clean it up a quite a bit, but it needs major help to get it back to a functioning trailer.  I feel pretty confident that I could pull it apart, but not so confident I could get it back together.  I want to see the trailer back on the road and parked in a camp sight again, so I will see to it that it gets restored.  I feel very confident in Justin and his company, to get it back in shape.

1950 Chrysler Traveler
In the mean time I'm looking on line to see what kind of car I need to buy to pull a1950 canned ham.  Looking on Craigs List, Classic Car Trader and Hemming's, is one of my favorite things to do.  My only problem is that I want one of everything and there are so many cars out there that I would love to own.  There is a 1950 Chrysler Traveler, in Prairie City, that I went and looked at in July that would look great pulling the trailer.  It's not a hot rod with a hemi, it's not a 2 door and the top does not go down, but this car is a piece of rolling Americana with wholesome charm.  It would however need some restoration work, but i could be a fun car.

Today was mixed with off and on snow showers.  The high temperature was around 43 and it was a very wintery looking day.  I got home about 5:15pm and it was already dark.  The chickens spent the entire day in their enclosed pen and there were two eggs in the nesting box.  Perhaps tomorrow I can come home at lunch and let them out for the afternoon.  However the forecast is for 3 to 4 inches of snow tonight, so perhaps staying in their pen would be a good thing.

Tonight it's dinner, reading and a little TV time and then its off to bed.

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