Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 31, I'm leaving on a jet plane.

Today started out very early and I mean early. The tickets for my trip were purchased using Orbits and Orbits decided to give me a complimentary flight status call at 4:45am! My flight didn't leave until 7:55am, so I didn't need to be up until 6:15am. After the call I couldn't fall back to sleep, so there was an hour and a half lost. Have I told you I’m not a morning person?!

Horizon Air UofO plane
The flight from Redmond to Portland went very quick and was on a Horizon Air RJ 50 seat regional jet, that was painted for the University of Oregon. It was painted with the Oregon “O” and in Green and Yellow and being a U of O Alum, this plane worked just fine for me. The flight time to Portland was 20 minutes and even in that short time I managed to close my eyes and try to make up for lost sleep. Once in Portland I had two hours to kill, so I checked out the stores that were there and was drawn to the Pendleton shop where they had blankets on sale. I have always been drawn to the Glacier Park blanket and they had one in a "full" size on the sale table. I had the inspiration that the trailer should be done in NW Pendleton wool. I texted Amy to see what here thoughts were and she thought that would be a great idea.

Pendleton Glacier Park Blanket $139
The flight from Portland to Denver was on Frontier Airlines “A whole different Animal” and boy was that right. The plane was a newer Airbus A320 and the flight crew was awesome. I did my usual gift to the flight crew of a large bag of M&Ms and they treated me like royalty. My seat however was not situated well, as I was in the middle of about 6 screaming children. The one behind me wanted to kick the back of my seat the entire flight, but the worst part of the situation was the lady next to me who had a 3 year old and was wearing patchouli or sandalwood oil, which I am very allergic to. By the end of the flight I was badly stuffed up with a horrific sinus headache.  I was cold and sweating at the same time, so with the kids screaming and kicking and the pungent smell of patchouli, this could truly be considered a flight from hell.

Denver International Airport
The arrival to Denver was the usual bumpy approach and I had less than an hour until my flight left for Oklahoma City. The flight in to OKC was smooth and best of all, no screaming children and the lady sitting next smelled great! Flight time to OKC was only an hour and twenty minutes.

It was nice to be at my destination and soon I was picked up by my very good friend Robin and we were on our way to join up with her husband Brad at his office.

Brad and Robin had been invited to attend the open of a new "high-end" clothing store “Balliets” which was supposed to be quite an event and they hoped I wouldn't mind to come along,.  Shopping with Robin is always an experience and with the promise of good food I was game for anything.

The opening of Balliet in Oklahoma
This store was not Central Oregon or even the image of what most people think of when they think of Oklahoma City. This was real fashion like New York and Paris. I had to just sit back and watch, this was high society and big money. I was personally taken by the new Jaguar XJL that was in parking lot, but no matter either way I was not in Kansas anymore and I certainly was not in Central Oregon. After Robin had tried on her share of Prada shoes and Brad and I had finish sampling the hors d’oeuvres, we were ready for dinner.

As we were leaving Balliets, my phone rang and it was my parents. They wanted to let me know they were enjoying cocktails on my deck and watching the chickens run around the yard. They weren’t exactly sure how they were going to get them back in the pen, but figured if they had to, they could stay until sunset, when they walk themselves back to the coop. However, the real exciting news, and why they called, was that there were 5 eggs in the nesting box today. My egg empire was growing exponentially.

Anyway, we had an excellent dinner and soon were back at Robin and Brad’s home. It was getting late and it was going to feel good to crawl into bed.

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