Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 42, The start of the 7th week with the trailer

Well, work on the trailer has definitely slowed. There is just much going on and a ton of yard work to do.

The morning was spent doing laundry and cleaning up around the house. Robin, Brad, Dr. Nick and Ann from Oklahoma will be arriving tomorrow. Church was at 11:00am and the congregation started a program called reading the bible in 90 days. I signed up for it and bought the bible (larger print, so it’s easier to read) and the companion books. This will be interesting challenge, so tonight it will begin, Genesis.

A wheelbarrow full of aspen roots, somer 12' long.
After Church I spent the rest of the day working in the yard and so did the chickens. We have already had a number of hard frosts and the flowerbeds and garden needed some work. The hardest part of my day was the digging up some of the roots of the now removed Aspens. I have treated the stumps so hopefully the root system will die, but I still needed to dig up some of the roots that were in flowerbeds. At least twice a year I had get out the shovel and wheelbarrow and dig up roots, so I was excited to think this could be the last time I have to do this. I dug up a wheelbarrow full and decided that was enough work on that for the day.

I pruned on the Junipers, hosed off the porch, washed windows and mowed the lawn. It was looking pretty good and then I looked at the trailer. By this point my hands were getting pretty sore and the thought of polishing sounded anything but appealing. I guess the trailer will have to wait until another day, but I did look at it. It has come a long way in 6 weeks and I do want to see it completed, but today was just too much for my sore hands.

It was a beautiful day and with the chickens back in their coop the sun set and new bible to read, it was time for me to go inside.

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