Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 183, work and workout.

Snow in Oklahoma
It was another cold start to the morning with the thermometer reading 16. I had kind of thought we might get some snow but there was just a heavy coating of frost instead.

I received two texts from my friend Robin in OKC and one from Ann.  The big storm hitting the Midwest had hit Oklahoma City during the night.  The temperature was 8 with 40 mph winds, creating huge snow drifts and a windchill of -14.  I really guess I'm not going to complain about our high of 30.

In the office I had a Executive Board meeting at noon, a meeting with a roofer to roof our building at 1:30pm and then I had to run a few errands in Bend and head to my workout.

My workout was exhausting but I felt great.  My lung capacity has increase significantly and I haven't had any problems with my asthma.  My trainer had me do up hill sprints on the treadmill for about 30 minutes, then pull ups, rowing, lunges, kettle bell lifts, core work and stretching.  I was beat, but felt good.  I'm just so amazed that I am able to do what I'm doing, as a year ago I wouldn't have been able to.

Ann all bundled up to get her eggs.
 On my way home from my workout I stopped off at Costco, for cereal, Laura Bars, tuna and razor blades. I then ran next door to Barns and Noble to pick of an extra copy of a book that I had previously purchased and mailed to my friend Ann in OKC.  She will probably get the book next week, so I don't want to go into too much detail.

By the time I got home it was dark.  The chickens were all in their coop and they had laid 5 eggs.  It was way too cold to stay outside I ran back inside for the night.

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