Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 194, Saturday and Windy

The wind started blowing during the night and pretty much blew all day.  The gusts were very strong and I figured I had better leave the chickens inside today, or they would get blown away.

I started doing my morning chores first thing and I planned on cleaning most of the day.  I wanted to sort through my closet and take some old clothes to Goodwill.  I cleaned out 3 bags of socks, shirts and pants that I hadn't warn in years.  I then cleaned out all the bathroom draws and my least favorite thing to do, I scrubbed the shower.  Luckily I don't ever let it get bad, so it's not that big of a project.

A windy sky

Around 1pm I decided to let the chickens out.  The wind had been blowing all day and the chicken pen needed some attention.  The plastic was staring to pull loose, so I went and got my screwdriver, some long boards and a carton of screws.  With a few carefully placed boards and lots of screws I was able to secure the plastic from the wind.

With the chicken coop and pen put back together, I needed to run into town and run some errands.  I needed to run out to my folks house and check on a few things.  It was so windy it was blowing my truck all over the road.  The sky had a funny look to it and the clouds were really moving.  You could tell another storm was blowing in.  The prediction for tomorrow is rain, which is good, because the ground is really get dry.

It really wasn't too exciting of a Saturday, but it felt good to get my closet and bathroom cleaned out.  I need to systematically go through each room and toss.  I have so much "stuff" it's ridiculous.

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