Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 188, Super Bowl Sunday

Wow, did I sleep great, I was feeling a little full when I went to bed, having ate, and I kid you not, an entire bag of Cheetos at the movie.  How many calories is that, something like 3,800.  I can't eat popcorn because of the oil and my missing gallbladder, so I smuggled in Cheetos and after a 2 hour movie they were gone.  I will have to eat a lot more respectfully, today and that will start with breakfast, a Cliff Bar.

First thing on the agenda was Church at 11am.  I texted Doug and scheduled to pick him up at the usual time.  It was so sunny I decided to take the Packard.  We arrived at Church with 4 minutes to spare and we were actually in our seats before the choir came singing in.  Church was great and before we all knew it the hour had passed.

After I dropped Doug off I took the Packard to fill up he tank and to stop by the store to get whipping cream for the Super Bowl party at Bruce and Mary Ann's house.  I still had a pumpkin and pecan pie in the freeze from the holidays and that was what I planned on taking.  I had to have fresh whipped cream of course.

Even the Johnny Jump Ups were jumping for Spring.
Once home I had several hours before I had to head to the party and I let the chickens out to enjoy the sun.  They have been digging up the yard, so I had to spend some time with a rake smoothing out the holes and making the yard look presentable.  Chickens love bugs and from what I can tell they have been eating a ton of them.  They have left no, wood chip unturned and not no piece of moss alone.  It will be interesting to see if they have taken care of my slug problem come summer.  It was an awesome afternoon, with warm sunshine and the temp in the mid 50's.  I was surprised to see that even the flowers were starting to bloom.

The party started around 3pm and with a house full of people and tons of food.  No one really cared who was going to win so the focus was foot ball and food in no particular order.   We all kind of wanted to Green Bay to win so the room really cheered whenever they made a touchdown, but what really paid attention to, were the commercials.  In true super bowl style, they were hilarious.  With Green Bay winning the Super Bowl, and all of us stuffing ourselves with food it was a very fun time.

After the game Bruce and I once again tryied our  hand at Donkey Kong on the Wii.  I am so horrible at video games and to see two 40+ year old plan a game was very amusing.   We actually did manage to make it passed one level and start the next, but after an hour of trying I final said it was time to go home. 

I arrived home a little after 10pm and went and checked on the chickens.  They were all back in the coop.  I put out fresh layer feed, cracked corn and water.  I had changed the coop papers and they had fresh shredded paper in each box.  They really seemed to be enjoying the warmer weather and clean surroundings and they laid 6 eggs today.

Another weekend has come to and end and a new work week is just about to begin - life is good.

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