Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 322, Another week.

The weather forecast is for temps in the 80's.  For the first time since October of 2010 we are actually going to break the 80 degree mark.  I was so excited, and I didn't even care if it was Monday, I was just happy it was sunny and might actually be HOT.

Happy Chickens, free to run around.
I had a noon meeting and didn't have time to run home and let the chickens out, but I had a 4:30pm workout, so I planed to leave a little before to run home and get my gym cloths, which I forgot to bring.  I could let the chickens out then and they can enjoy their freedom all evening.  My Mom met my at my home and we took her car from there.

The workout was not particular difficult but we did a lot of stretching which I really needed.  I was so surprised how inflexible my shoulders are and have very little range of motion. A lot of the stretches we worked on were designed to open the chest and to stretch the shoulders.  It felt great, but I knew I was going to feel this much later.

On the drive home we stopped off at Costco so I could pick up some grapefruit and my Mom wanted Tylenol, which we couldn't find.  It turns out there had been a recall and they pulled it off their shelf.  I had to wonder why we hadn't heard about the recall on the news...?

It was a great night and back home I spent more time out in the yard working on the flower beds and adjusting the sprinkler system for the warmer temperatures to come.

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