Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day 453, Yard work and chores

Carting out tons of dead flowers and leaves.
I spent the entire day doing yard work and chores.  The first part of the morning I cleaned up the inside of the house and then at 10 am I moved outside.  I grabbed a rake and just started raking up leaves and pulling up dead flowers.  After several hours I had huge piles of leaves dead flowers everywhere.  After several enormous wheelbarrow loads later I had the yard looking pretty good.  Next I jumped on the lawnmower and mowed the lawn and sucked up all the lose leaves that I didn't rake up.  By 2:30 pm I had the yard looking really good, but there a lot of leaves still on the trees so I will be doing this again, probably next weekend.

I have accumulated a  huge pile of dead plant material in the back pasture and now that burning is allowed I figure now would be a good time to burn the pile of debris.  With little flick of a lighter the big pile went up in flames.  I had dragged two garden hoses back to the pasture so I could keep control of the fire if it started to get out of hand.  For the most part the flames burned as expected and I only had to hose around the pile to keep it from burning the grass in the field.  With in about 30 minutes it had burned itself into a smoldering pile of wet leaves and anything and everything that was dry flammable had burned itself up.  I was now free to start my another project.  

Next on the list was to paint the shed and cover up the blue paint.  The paint was only a year old and still looked very fresh, but I'm just not a huge fan of blue sheds.  It took me almost two hours to paint the shed and the sun was getting close to sinking behind the mountains when I finished.  My timing was perfect and the temperature was just right for painting.

I shouldn't have eaten all that candy..blaaahhh!
With the shed done and the leaves still smoldering in the back, the next thing I wanted to do was carve a pumpkin for the end of driveway by the mail box.  It took me about 10 minutes to carve my traditional "vomiting" pumpkin and then I was ready to set it up and placed the pumpkin innards out of its mouth and onto the street.  I know it's sick and wrong, but it cracks me up everytime.

It had been a long day and I was exhausted and ready for dinner.

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