Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 463, Wednesday and a long day

It's Hump Day and we are half way through the week.  Today I have two meeting after hours and I'm anticipating getting home around 8pm.  I'm not even sure I will have time to run home and let the chickens out I hope to be able to take a lunch and run home to let them run free.

New Airport Fire Truck
As it turned out I didn't have a chance to take a lunch and the chickens were going to be stuck in the pen all day.  My first late meeting was at 5:30 pm and it was the Airport Commission.  We had just received a brand new Class C fire truck and it was pretty cool.  The truck was just under $800,000 and looked pretty futuristic.  We were given a tour and able to climb into the cab, it was truly state of the art.

The second  half of the meeting was a speaker from the City and I have already had the opportunity to hear the presentation 3 times so I skipped out.  The timing was perfect and I was able to go to my second meeting at the VFW Hall where I was asked to judge speeches from High School students who were participating in the "Voices of Democracy" program.

In all there were 7 speeches we listened too and it only took about an hour to listen and rank each speech.  I was surprised that I was able to actually be home by 7:30 pm.

Finally home I checked on the chickens and they had laid 2 eggs.  At least now I am averaging 2 eggs a day instead of 1 and the eggs are coming from more than one or two chickens.  The last two days I have actually had two white eggs.

I was ready for bed by 9 pm.

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