Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 405, Church and kayaking

Tracy texted me and wanted to know if I wad up for kayaking today and said sure! I was willing to go after church which gave me some time to do a few chores in the morning.

Waterfall at Hosmer Lake
Church was at 11am and Doug pulled into the parking lot the same time I did. I drive right by him on the way to church so usually we car pool. I had texted him, but he never responded. When he got out of his truck I said "thanks for responding to my text" and he checked his phone and there were no messages from me. We guessed my texts were lost in space.

After church I asked Doug if he wanted to go kayaking with us, but he was busy working on his bathroom remodel project. I stopped by his house on the way home checked out the remodel and then picked up his ex-wife's kayak so Tracy could use it.

Tracy was over in just a few minutes of my return home and we had the truck loaded in no time. Our lake of choice today was Hosmer Lake, which is 7 miles past Sparks or 50 minutes from home.

We got to the lake unloaded the boats and headed out. Homer has lots of reeds, Lilly pads, fish and a huge assortment of birds. One of my favorite aspects of the lake is the river that flows into it and paddling up stream until you get to the waterfall. We paddled up the creek and got to the waterfall and then beached our kayaks. It was a perfect to get out and to have a snack and enjoy the river.

Moonrise over the 40 acres
After a shot rest we were back in the kayaks and heading down stream. We paddled for nearly 3 hours by the time we got back to the truck.

We had a fun day and the weekend was drawing to a close. It was a very warm day for September 11th with the highs still in the 90's. As the sun started to set I put on some running shorts and went for a short 3 mile run. The moon was nearly full and started to come up over the 40 acres and it was beautiful.

It had been a great day.

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