Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 513, Thursday and rain

I woke up several times throughout the night to the sound of rain.  It has been a very dry December, so the rain is greatly needed.  I'm not sure what it was but I was very tired even after a good night sleep.  I think the grey skies and the continuous rain, just made me more sleepy.

I did several small projects around the house, but the big project was fixing the stereo speakers.  I knew when I hooked them 3 years ago, I didn't do them correctly.  Now with nothing else to do, or anything I wanted to do, I figure today would a good day to fix the problem.  Moving the TV cabinet and the stereo out is a heavy task.  The first thing to do was phone a friend and ask for help.  With a little help the speakers were all hooked up correctly and the sound was amazing.

Insulation being cut to fit.
On the Traveleze front, Justin was getting the cold that was going around but was still hard at work. I told him to go home, but I have no pull.  He sent a great picture of the insulation go in on the trailer and he doing the electrical.

At 4:20 pm I picked Tracy up for a Son's of Norway board meeting.  Neither of us knew exactly what the meeting was about or where it was at.  Again, I phoned a friend and we were able to find the location with no problem.

After an hour long meeting we skipped out on the food portion of the event and ran a few errands, including going to Fred Meyer, so I could buy a stereo cord adapter, so I could finish hooking up my stereo correctly and then I could push the cabinet back in place.

It was a long dreary day and I was ready for bed.

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