Friday, July 27, 2012

Day 721, Music on the Green

Tonight is our third concert of our summer series and will mark the halfway point.  Where has summer gone?  The group tonight is the Soul Benders and they play classic rock with a little R&B and some funk.  They are a great band so everyone should love them.

People enjoying a summer evening concert
At 11am we set up our stage tent and it was a little warm.  The high today is expected to be at 90, so it could be a bit warm for the start of the concert.

The concert starts at 6pm and it was 90 with a slight breeze which made the temperature perfect for a summer concert.  By 6:30 pm the park was full at an estimated 1,300 people.  There was lots of craft and food venders and the kids were enjoying the three bounce castles.

It was a fantastic night, but one of the venders had deep friers that need electricity for cooling down and he was plugged into our power boxes.  I ended up staying until 9:15pm until they were cool enough that I could cut off his power.

It was a long day, but very fun.

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