Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 726, Costco and Chickens

Ughh not Halloween it's still July!
After my workout in Bend I headed over to do a Costco run.  I always have one or two items I need, but walk out with 5 or 6 items.  I enjoy seeing what they have and usually the unbeatable price that comes with it.  To my chock and surprise, they already have Halloween items out!  Ugh, I'm just not ready to start thinking about Fall.  I know there is all kinds of back of school advertising going on, but I can block that out.  Halloween in July, just say no!

Back home it was time to let the Chickens out.  My original three were ready to fly the coop and when I opened the door they bolted in a flurry of feathers. The new 6 chickens just sat there and were in complete shock.  I could see they were wonder, just what are they doing on the outside.   I left the door open to see if they would venture out and they just stood there.  Finally one ventured out and they all came out.  They enjoyed their freedom, but were slightly cautious about being out in the open.
Happy Chickens

I checked for eggs and there were four!  This was the first time I had a four egg day in almost a 9 months.  I had forgotten what it was like to see so many.  Instead of taking over a week to fill an egg carton I can do it in a matter of days.

Four fresh eggs
With the chickens running free I went to wash the BMW and the truck.  Both of them were very dusty and I was happy to have the time to clean them back up.

With the sun setting and two clean cars in the garage, I went to check on the hens.  They had all found their way back into the pen and were all settled in for the night.

It was a perfect day.

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