Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 542, Friday

With cold still hanging on I called to get a visit with my doctor, but the next available appointment is Monday at 11 am.  I could do the walk in on the weekend, but the idea of waiting to see the doctor on call doesn't sound appealing, so unless I cough up a lung, I'll wait for Monday.

Justin said the windows are going in, but I didn't get any pictures, so I will have to wait and see how it looks.  Anna sent me pictures of the wheels and caps that they will order next week along with the change order.  I keep hearing that cash register sound in my head, but I keep focusing on the end result.  I am so crazy, for having done this.  I could have a bought a very nice trailer and been happy, but no, I had to go down this path instead.  It's been a very interesting journey and while I can't say I would do it again, I would change the experience either.  In the end I will have something very unique that will bring me lots of joy, I hope.

1956 Ford Parklane 2dr wagon
At 1 pm I had a meeting out  at the Expo and afterwords I was shown a 56 Ford Parklane, 2 door wagon, with AC.  It's a project car that the guy is willing to sell me for a deal. All done it would be great for pulling the trailer, but I'm just now sure I'm up for another project.

My friend Tracy texted me, Dinner? and I said sure.  We ended up going to Bend and had a great meal.  I then got the idea in my head to buy a new bed at Costco.  I saw that they had a really nice Sterns and Foster mattress and I wanted a new one.  We headed to Costco after dinner and I loaded one on the cart.  Tracy said I should lay one it, good idea, so I did.  I sunk way into it and realized it was too soft.  That ended that idea and we went home.

Its a sad note, when a good Friday night is being home by 9 pm and ready for bed by 10 pm, but I was beat.

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